Exploring Egg Coffee

Unconventional Twist: Exploring Egg Coffee

Welcome to the intriguing world of egg coffee, where tradition meets innovation in a delightful beverage. In this blog post, we will dive deep into the fascinating history, preparation methods, and unique flavor profile of this unconventional twist on a classic drink. Get ready to discover a creamy and frothy experience unlike any other!

Did you know that egg coffee has its origins in Vietnam? It was created during the scarcity of milk in the 1940s as an inventive substitute, and it quickly became a favorite among locals. Today, it has gained popularity worldwide for its rich taste and velvety texture.

The Allure of Egg Coffee

Amidst the bustling streets of Hanoi, Vietnam, coffee enthusiasts can uncover a hidden gem that promises a distinctive and flavorsome journey. Egg coffee, known as “cà phê trứng” in Vietnamese, enthralls both locals and travelers with its captivating charm. This innovative variation of the classic coffee beverage presents an enticing interplay of flavors and textures that will undoubtedly ignite your taste buds’ cravings.

A Treasured Tradition from Vietnam

Originating in Vietnam, egg coffee found its inception in the 1940s when fresh milk was scarce. Nguyen Van Giang, a creative bartender of that era, ingeniously substituted egg yolks for milk, resulting in a velvety and indulgent concoction. This ingenious solution gained rapid popularity and has since become an integral part of Vietnamese cultural heritage.

Crafting the Creamy Marvel

Crafting the perfect cup of egg coffee demands expertise and finesse. A robust Vietnamese coffee, brewed typically using a traditional drip filter known as a “phin,” forms the robust foundation of this exquisite beverage. Whisked egg yolks, sweetened condensed milk, and a hint of sugar are skillfully combined to form a silky custard-like consistency. Subsequently, the coffee is carefully poured over this blend, forming a visually pleasing layer that harmonizes the flavors.

Tips and Recommendations

  • Experiment with different egg coffee recipes: Try out various combinations of ingredients and ratios to find your preferred taste. You could explore adding spices like cinnamon or using different types of sweeteners.
  • Use high-quality ingredients: To truly enjoy the rich flavors and creamy texture of egg coffee, make sure to use fresh coffee beans, high-quality eggs, and pure, organic ingredients.
  • Invest in a good coffee maker: A coffee maker that allows you to control the temperature and brew strength is essential for creating the perfect cup of egg coffee.
  • Whisk with care: Take your time to whisk the egg mixture properly to achieve a velvety froth. Whisk in a circular motion to incorporate air and create a lighter texture.
  • Serve it hot: Egg coffee is best enjoyed when it’s piping hot. Serve it immediately after preparation to experience the full flavor and warmth.
  • Pair it with sweet treats: Enhance your egg coffee experience by pairing it with delectable pastries, cookies, or chocolate. The creamy and slightly sweet nature of egg coffee complements desserts perfectly.
  • Try different flavors: Once you’ve mastered the classic egg coffee recipe, feel free to experiment with additional flavors like vanilla, caramel, or even a dash of liqueur for a personalized twist.
  • Share your discovery: Introduce your friends and family to the wonderful world of egg coffee. Host a coffee tasting session or surprise them with this unique concoction during a cozy Sunday brunch.

Exploring Variations

While the traditional recipe remains a favorite, innovative twists on egg coffee have emerged in recent years. Some cafes add a touch of vanilla or coconut milk to enhance the flavors, while others experiment with different coffee blends or even use egg whites instead of yolks. These variations offer a unique spin on the classic, allowing coffee lovers to explore new dimensions of this delightful beverage.

coffee creamer
Coffee Creamer

Frequently Asked Questions about Egg Coffee

What is egg coffee?

Egg coffee is a unique and delicious Vietnamese specialty drink. It is made by combining strong Vietnamese coffee with a creamy mixture of beaten egg yolks, condensed milk, and sometimes sugar or other flavorings. The resulting beverage has a creamy, frothy texture and a distinct flavor profile.

Where did egg coffee originate?

Egg coffee has its origins in Hanoi, the capital city of Vietnam. It was first created in the 1940s by a bartender named Nguyen Van Giang at a cafe called Café Giảng. The drink gained popularity and has since become a beloved Vietnamese tradition.

How is egg coffee prepared?

To make egg coffee, a small cup is placed inside a larger cup filled with hot water to keep it warm. The creamy mixture of beaten egg yolks, condensed milk, and coffee is then poured into the smaller cup. The coffee is stirred well to ensure that all the ingredients mix together, creating a luscious and frothy texture.

Is it safe to consume raw eggs in egg coffee?

Yes, it is safe to consume raw eggs in egg coffee. The hot coffee actually cooks the eggs as it is poured over them, reducing the risk of any potential foodborne illnesses. However, it is always important to use fresh and high-quality eggs when preparing egg coffee.

Can I customize my egg coffee?

Absolutely! While the traditional egg coffee recipe is already delicious on its own, you can definitely get creative and add your own personal touch. Some variations include adding chocolate, matcha, vanilla, or even different types of alcoholic liqueurs to enhance the flavor of your egg coffee.

Where can I find egg coffee?

Egg coffee can be found primarily in Vietnam, especially in Hanoi where it originated. However, its popularity has spread, and now you can find cafes or specialty shops in various cities around the world that offer this unique and delightful drink.

What does egg coffee taste like?

Egg coffee has a rich and velvety flavor with a hint of sweetness from the condensed milk. The combination of the creamy egg mixture and the robust Vietnamese coffee creates a unique taste that is both indulgent and satisfying. It is truly a treat for coffee lovers.

Is egg coffee suitable for people with dietary restrictions?

Egg coffee includes eggs and condensed milk, which might not work for people with particular dietary restrictions like lactose intolerance or egg allergies. Nevertheless, options are accessible. For instance, you can use lactose-free milk or non-dairy alternatives instead of condensed milk, or you can delve into eggless versions of this delightful beverage.

Can I make egg coffee at home?

Of course! Egg coffee might sound fancy and complex, but you can actually make it at home using just a few ingredients and a bit of practice.

When you follow a straightforward recipe and master the technique of creating the creamy egg mixture, you’ll be able to savor a delightful cup of homemade egg coffee whenever you like.


The world of coffee offers endless possibilities and flavors waiting to be explored. The Ten Coffees website provides a wealth of information and resources for coffee lovers, covering classic brewing methods such as Vietnamese coffee and Hario V60, as well as unique preparations like siphon coffee and Aeropress.

Among all these options, one preparation that stands out for its unconventional twist is egg coffee. Coffee enthusiasts from around the world have been captivated by the distinctive flavor profile of this creamy and frothy beverage.

We invite you to share your thoughts and experiences with egg coffee. Please leave a comment below and let us know what you think!

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